viernes, 7 de mayo de 2021


En los últimos meses han salido a la venta varios de mis libros traducidos a diferentes idiomas.

Por ello he decidido publicar cada día una de estas traducciones con la publicación en su idioma original.

El tercero es El hombre de Stalingrado traducido en ingles.


The man from Stalingrad

A vibrant suspense and mystery thriller that will capture you from the first page.

During a vacation in Italy, Sam Carter, a photographer from New York, will see himself involved in a series of inexplicable events that will lead him to a fast-paced thriller full of adventure, espionage, intrigue, romance, suspense and mystery.

Let yourself be seduced by this trip to the deepest heart of Europe after the fall of the Berlin wall where passion and revenge coexist with a dark secret from the past.


For sale on Amazon

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